Signing with API Key

HTTP Headers

Authentication of requests is done by sending the following HTTP headers:

RBT-SIGNATURE: Signature of the request generated with your secret key. It is calculated as hex(HMAC_SHA256(secret, payload)). Read how to generate signatures in the section below.

RBT-API-KEY: Your API key.

RBT-TS: A UNIX (in seconds) timestamp after which the request is no longer valid. This is to prevent replay attacks. Only accepts integers.

Note: UNIX timestamps are in seconds. For example, 2018-02-08T04:30:37Z is 1518064237.

Generating Signatures

The signature generated is calculated as hex(HMAC_SHA256(secret, payload_hash)).

Steps to generate a valid signature:

  1. Sort request data params by alphabetical order.

  2. Create a message string by appending data param keys in the format "key1=value1key2=value2key3=value3"

  3. Append unix timestamp to the end of the message string. Example: "key1=value1key2=value2key3=value31696692099"

  4. Get the payload hash by taking the hash of message string using SHA256 encoding.

  5. Signature is '0x'+HEX(HMAC_SHA256(secret, payload_hash))

boolean values are expressed as lowercase "true" or "false".

Example python code:

def hash(self) -> bytes:
        Returns the hash of the payload where the params are sorted in 
        alphabetical order.
        keys = list(
        message = [f'{k}={str([k]).lower()}' if type([k]) == bool else f'{k}={[k]}' for k in keys]
        message = ''.join(message)

        h = hashlib.sha256()

        return h.digest()

def sign(self, secret: str) -> str:
        Returns HMAC-SHA256 signature after signing payload hash with
        user secret. 
        secret_bytes = hex2bytes(secret)

        return '0x' +, self.hash, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

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